Sponsorship Deails

Sponsorship Deails

Government organizations, Public Sector and Private Companies involved in Infrastructural Development Projects are welcome to sponsor/co-sponsor the conference. The sponsorship categories are

PLATINUM 4.0 Lakhs*, Company name and logo on conference website, free registration for 8 delegates, full page advertisement in the proceedings, link of the sponsor websites on conference website, free of charge KIOSK (6mx2m) for exhibition, sharing of brochure/ company prospectus, promotional videos in the exhibition gallery. One slot of 15min for company presentation.
DIAMOND 3.0 Lakhs*, Company name and logo on conference website, free registration for 6 delegates, full page advertisement in the proceedings, link of the sponsor websites on conference website, free of charge KIOSK (4mx2m) for exhibition, sharing of brochure/ company prospectus, promotional videos in the exhibition gallery. One slot of 10 min for company presentation.
GOLD 2.0 Lakhs*, Company name and logo on conference website, free registration for 4 delegates, full page advertisement in the proceedings, link of the sponsor websites on conference website, free of charge KIOSK (2mx2m) for exhibition, sharing of brochure/ company prospectus, promotional videos in the exhibition gallery.
SILVER 1.0 Lakhs*, Company name and logo on conference website, free registration for 2 delegates, half page advertisement in the proceedings.
BRONZE 0.50 Lakhs*, Company name and logo on conference website, free registration for 1 delegates, half page advertisement in the proceedings.
Advertisement in Conference Proceedings 40000.00*, Full page     25000.00, Half Page
* GST @ 18% will be charged extra

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Chairman, President ISEG
+91 9911103790
Dr. Mridul Srivastava,
CONVENER Director, GSI, Luckmow

+91 8765588229
Sh. Vachaspati Pandey,
JOINT SECRETARY, ISEG NHPC Ltd., Sector-33,Faridabad-121003, Haryana

+91 9454218451