Presenters Guideline

Presenters Guideline

International Conference on Engineering Geology and Geotechniques for Safe and Sustainable Infrastructures

The EGCON-2022 abstracts will be presented by the authors by physically attending the conference either as oral or poster presentations. A final email communicating the type of presentation will be sent to all corresponding authors latest by October 15, 2022. A list of such presenters will also be uploaded simultaneously on our conference website ( The oral presentations will be scheduled in multiple concurrent technical sessions during the event. Each oral presentation will be of 10 minutes duration including 2 minutes discussion. The presenters must not include more than 15 Powerpoint slides for their talk to restrict themselves strictly within the tight time schedule. Organisers may take the assistance of suitable presentation technology so that each oral presentation is completed within the stipulated time of 10 minutes or so. Each of the slides should preferably have not more than five bulleted statements and one/ two relevant illustrations. Each of the bulleted statements must not contain more than five to six keywords. Use of capital letters shall be avoided to improve readability. The font size of the text in each slide shall not be below 18.

The poster presenters are requested to bring their own posters printed preferably on vinyl or thick poster quality paper material, in sizes 6 feet X 3 feet or 4 feet X 3 feet options in portrait format only. The illustration or line drawings used in the poster content must be of high resolution. The text should be in "Times New Roman" format having font sizes of 16 or more. The use of capital letters should be avoided to increase readability. Posters must be made with the relevant amount of coherent and linked texts and with meaningful illustrations. The broad sections of any poster may follow a) Introduction/ Problem Definition, b) Gap in research/ work, c) Objectives and Questions, d) Data & Methodology used, and e) Results & Discussion, f) Conclusions.

The best oral and poster presenters will be awarded during the event with cash prizes like in the previous EGCON events.

The authors willing to present their work will have to be physically present at the venue at Kolkata, West Bengal, India during 16-17 November 2022 for the EGCON-2022 by registering themselves online positively by October 31, 2022 at EGCON-2022's website (

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