Dr. Vineet K Gahalaut
Chief Scientist R&D Group
Dr Vineet K Gahalaut received M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Roorkee (now
IIT-Roorkee) in the year 1989 and 1995, respectively. He served as Lecturer at Department
of Earthquake Engineering, IIT-Roorkee (1996-1998) and Scientist at Department of Science
and Technology, New Delhi (1998-1999). Currently he is chief scientist at NGRI, Hyderabad.
His research areas include Tectonic Geodesy and Seismology.
Himalaya, Kashmir and Ladakh region, Godavari failed rift region, and Koyna Warna region.
He is a recipient of INSA Young Scientist award (1997), CSIR Young Scientist (2001), and MS
Krishnan gold medal by IGU. He is fellow (FNA) of Indian National Science Academy, New
Delhi and also fellow (FASc) of Indian Academy of Sciences, Beguluru.